Friday, November 12, 2010

homosexism, heterosexism, -ism, -ism,- ism

(Sorry it is a little long!)

My original plan for this blog post was to talk about the constant HOMOsexism that I have been facing in my LGBT classes. But I realized that I could not address those feelings without also addressing HETEROsexism/ HOMOphobia becase I do not want to give the idea that I am only opposed to HOMOsexism or let people think that I am okay with them discriminating against the LGBT community. To clear up any confusion, which I even had until just a couple minutes ago, HOMOsexism is the hatred towards straight people and HETEROsexism is a hatred towards the gay community. I know that up until I just looked it up, I was very confused myself. So I want to make it clear to people without anyone feelings ignorant for their confusion. In discussing these topics, I am sure I will inadvertedly reference several other -isms; such as sexism, racism, and maybe even classism.

So let me begin with HOMOsexism, my initial frustration. And let me preface this by saying, that I am in these LGBT classes and wanting to earn a minor in LGBT studies because I view the "queer" community as my equal, I have great respect for people of all orientations, genders, race, and class. I am taking these classes to develop a greater understanding, not so much of their personalities and what makes them that way (because, well, those classes are not offered) but instead classes on their history and writings and a couple others. Along with accumulating a greater knowledge, I want to earn this minor because I feel like it will be beneficial to my future career choices. 


Back to my feelings on HOMOsexism, I feel alienated regularly as if I am the "bad guy" because I am hetero; because I am the other, the threat.. I am in more subtler ways discrimated against in my classes. I am often (basically) told that my opinions do not matter because I am attracted to men, because I could not possibly understand what they are going through and the experiences they have. They do not seem to care that I am there because I want to learn and grow, it does not seem to resonate with them. It is hard for me to continue to sympathize and well give a damn when I am constantly told how wrong I am, that I cannot share my experience because it just is not relevent. This is a very hard experience for me, but nothing is going to change if I just give up. And I have found a couple allies, and isn't that all you nedd? Just a few people to make you realize that your opinions are valid and to stand up for you, without that where would any of us be?

As for HETEROsexism...
After my initial outburst on Facebook about about all of the HOMOsexism I was facing, I was very offended to see someone take advantage of my frustration and compare homosexuality to beastiality and pedophilia. I the realized that I could not just address one of these issues, I would have to address at least both of these issues if not more. As stated in the previous paragraph I fully believe that "queer" people are equal to me in everyway and am therefore OUTRAGED that there is such inequality about something that only affects people of this persuasion. I cannot fathom how someone being attracted to someone of their own sex, or someone who does not feel a part of their biological sex (transgendered) really affects anyone else, especially in a negative way. It may affect their parents because it might "ruin" their dreams of becoming grandparents (at least in a traditional sense) but no one else is affected, why should they be so discrimiated against? There is NO reason! I believe in full equal rights for anyone as long as the people that are involved with are consenting adults. I do not care if your orientation means that you cannot bear children (in a traditional sense), or if it goes againts someone's version of god because not everyone believes in a god and not everyone believes in the same god. So stop forcing your ideas and views onto other people, the only people being hurt are the people being discriminated against. Equal rights to marriage is not going to end the world or send everyone to hell, no one should be denied the right to proclaim their love to another consenting adult in whatever way they want, if that involves marriage than so be it. If they are granted equal marriage rights, its not as if a religious leader would then be forced to marry them, so it really has no affect on them, although they should not be denied the right to be married by anyone but that is another form of discrimination and prejudice that is never going to end and I'm not going to waste my breathe talking about it because I do not even completely believe that they should have to... It is a hard topic for me... But the point is, same-sex couples should not be discriminated against for any reason, and it needs to stop.

As always, thanks for reading : )

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